Capt. Dennis Hunt
Captain Dennis Hunt received his commission through the NROTC program at Oregon State University in 1979 and served for 26 years specializing in submarine warfare and retiring in 2005. On active duty, he served on the USS Bonefish (SS-582) and USS Alexander Hamilton (SSBN-617) Blue.
Upon transferring to the Reserves, he served in several Units, including Headquarters, Military Sealift Command; Commander, US Submarine Force, Atlantic; USS Holland (AS-32); Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Fleet; Chief of Naval Operations, Logistics (OPNAV N4); Commander, US Naval Forces, Central Command (COMUSNAVCENT); and OPNAV N3, Navy Operations Center. He was recalled to active duty after 9/11, serving at COMUSNAVCENT as a Naval Liaison Officer to U.S. Central Command, integrating 40 naval coalition partners into the Coalition/Joint Forces Maritime Component Commander organization.
CAPT Hunt joined the Association of the US Navy (AUSN), formerly Naval Reserve Association, early in his Reserve career and has continued to be an active member. He is a plankowner of the LT Kenyon P. Anderson DC Chapter of the AUSN. He is currently the Chapter President.
Dennis has worked for Amentum Services, Inc., and its predecessor companies since 1984. He is currently a Business Development Director, responsible for solution development for various company pursuits. He has held various operations management positions supporting the Department of Homeland Security, the US Navy, and the National Weather Service.
Captain Hunt earned a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from Oregon State University and a Master of Engineering Administration from the George Washington University.