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Raise Your Voice for the U.S. Navy, Volunteer for AUSN’s Legislative Core

AUSN Staff

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

AUSN has recently launched its Legislative Core as a function of AUSN Operations to advocate for the U.S. Navy and veterans. Volunteers who are passionate about a stronger Navy and veterans issues are particularly needed.

D Day Sign that says Here on the 6th June 1944 Europe was liberated by the Heroism of the Allied Forces

What Is the AUSN Legislative Core?

This Legislative Core will be AUSN’s focal point for the review, debate, and discussion of all Congressional legislative activities and policy proposals related to the U.S. Navy.

The AUSN Legislative Core will consist of a Chair and 435 AUSN Legislative Representatives (one for each Congressional district) who volunteer to advocate for Navy-related legislative and policy priorities being considered by the U.S. Congress

What Will Legislative Core Representatives Do?

Legislative Core Representatives will make recommendations for changes in proposed legislation and policies if necessary, and submit to the AUSN Legislative Committee Chair for final review and action.

The AUSN Legislative Committee Chair will then submit an Official AUSN Position Paper to each of the 435 Legislative Core Representatives, who in turn will submit said paper to their respective Congressional Representatives.

How Many Volunteers Are Needed?

AUSN is seeking 435 of our AUSN members to volunteer a minimum amount of time to fulfill this objective. Now more than ever the men and women of the U.S. Navy need our voice to effectively advocate for them. You can play a critical role in determining the future of our Navy.

Volunteer Today

Contact Operations Manager Steve Rogers via email or phone 703-548-5800 x110 for more information.

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