Expanding upon the resources available to military personnel and their families, Secretary of Defense L Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III recently called for implementing seven new programs to build upon the Taking Care of Our People initiative introduced nearly four years ago.
For members of the Association of the United States Navy (AUSN) still on active duty or whose family members are currently serving, these directives offer much-needed savings, services and support. Be on the watch as coordination progresses towards the implementation of these new Taking Care of Our People additions:
Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (HCFSAs) for Service Members: To reduce out-of-pocket healthcare costs for service members, the DoD will make HCFSAs available to service members for the first time through a special enrollment period in March 2025. HCFSAs are an optional benefit that enables service members to set aside up to $3,200 in pretax earnings per service member to pay for health care costs, such as co-payments, contact lenses, glasses, dental care and annual deductibles.
Access to Wi-Fi Pilot: To reduce out-of-pocket expenses and improve quality of life for junior enlisted Service members, the DoD is implementing a series of pilot projects to provide high-speed Wi-Fi internet access at no cost to service members living in unaccompanied housing as the basis of a long-term plan to build a Wi-Fi-connected force.
Making Moves Easier: Building on previous expansions of move-related payments to service members, the DoD will increase Temporary Lodging Expense reimbursement to 21 days (up from 14 days) and allow authorization of a Temporary Lodging Allowance of up to 60 days when it is necessary for a service member or dependent to occupy temporary lodging immediately before leaving a permanent duty station outside the continental United States. The DoD also will initiate a study to review and evaluate increasing household goods weight allowances for service members.
Further Expand Spouse Eligibility for My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Financial Assistance: To support career advancement for military spouses, eligibility for MyCAA financial assistance will be expanded to spouses of active-duty service members and spouses of National Guard and reserve service members on Title 10 orders in the E-7, E-8, E-9, and W-3 ranks. Financial assistance may be utilized to pursue a license, certification, or associate degree, along with testing for college credit and continuing education units. This initiative aims to reduce barriers to employment for military spouses.
Investment in Childcare Workforce: To improve access to childcare for military families, we must invest in our childcare workforce to ensure we can recruit and retain childcare providers. The DoD is working closely with Congress to fund compensation increases for childcare providers and to add key positions—lead educators and special needs inclusion coordinators—that will enhance the developmental and educational support provided to children served by DoD child development centers.
Quality of Life at Remote and Isolated Installations Review: The DoD will conduct a review on risk and protective factors, and prevention capabilities of harmful behaviors at three remote installations. The results will be used to inform and improve the quality of life at those locations.
Uniform Costs Review: The DoD will review the quality of standard uniform clothing items issued to the enlisted force and the enlisted monetary uniform replacement allowance rates to ensure they are sufficient.
Details regarding the roll-out of these added initiatives can be found in the Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s full memorandum.
PLEASE NOTE: AUSN Executive Director LCDR Steve Rogers (USN, Ret.) recently called upon Veteran Service Officer volunteers to help fellow Navy Veterans and their family members navigate the complex landscape of available benefits, services, and support. To learn more, check out this call-to-action article and contact Steve Rogers.